Hello all!
I just saw the date on my last blog post and am ashamed of myself for leaving it lay silent for so long! I know that some of you actually follow my bits and blobs of blogging and therefore I apologize for being so laissez-faire in blogging.
Actually I had decided to take the month of October off because I was
BOUND AND DETERMINED to do all my Christmas projects so I could play and have fun through November and December. Alas... being who I am, I did not finish
That's not the only thing I did in October however. We had a new addition to the family! Yes! A baby bulldog of my very own. OK, he wasn't my own. He belongs to my cousin and I "babysat" him for a month while my cousin got settled in New Zealand. It was a busy month with two two-year-old dogs in the house!
I also had a visit from two of my most favourite people in the world! My grandkids came to visit us for a week at Thanksgiving when it was discovered I couldn't go there because MY PASSPORT HAD EXPIRED. Expired like two weeks prior to the trip! Argh... Oh well, I got a great time with the grandkids out of it! So busy and so much fun. I was exhausted at the end of the month!
Murphy, shown here with his buddy Benny - right after Benny tried to chew his head off - hence the more "rugged" appearance of his fur - had a second knee surgery in November. He is on strict cage rest right now and not liking it one bit. I spend a lot of my day carrying him up and down the outside stairs for him to relieve himself and just get a breath of fresh air. He's on leash for at least two more months so this means I also get to enjoy the fresh air in the backyard. Hmm..
Well anyway, enough about me! I am nearing the end of my "list" so thought I'd share a couple of things I did this past weekend with you.
First are these adorablesnowmen!Aren't they fun? My friend Marilyn came and helped me. Who would have believed that they were such fiddly little things! In case you don't recognize them, they are battery operated tea lights that when lit, all have glowing noses. I'm not sure if I'm going to give these little babies away or just put them on my tree or leave them for my grandkids to play with. At any rate, that's what I've done this weekend.

Know what? I'm going to save the other for another day. Today is finishing with the tree. Hubby and I started yesterday but got as far as the lights. We wanted to see them at night to make sure we had enough and it seems we do. Today we're decorating. He's being such a peach this year with decorating and all that encompasses that I hardy miss my kids help... Well, that's not true at all... I miss them being around and those days when I just sat back and watched them go. Maybe next year we'll do the tree when the grandkids arrive. That should be fun.
So what's up with you? I promise to write soon!